01. Suppress Appetite

Pine nuts contain certain fatty acids that might help curb appetite by up to 60% for as long as 4 hours.

02. Boost Energy

The specific nutrients, like monounsaturated fat, iron and protein help boost energy levels as well as build and repair tissues in the body

03. Benefits Diabetics

Eating pine nuts every day can help control type 2 diabetes

04. Cut Cancer Risk

The cancer health benefits can be attributed to their magnesium content lowering the risk of various types of cancer

06. Boost Immunity

The manganese and zinc in pine nuts help to boost the immune health and to maintain the body’s hormonal balance

05. Strengthen Bones

Vitamin K activates osteocalcin, a protein that promotes the accumulation of calcium in the bones and teeth

07. Enhance Brain Health

Eating pine nuts every day can help control type 2 diabetes

08. Improve Vision Health

Pine nuts contain a lot of lutein, which is an antioxidant also known as the eye vitamin

09. Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Pine nuts consumption can cut the risk of sudden death by heart attack and prevent cardiovascular disease thanks to monounsaturated fats, vitamins E/K and magnesium

10. Enhance Skin And Hair Health

High concentrations of various essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants make pine nuts amazingly helpful for skin care


Harvesting Siberian pine nuts in the ecologically clean regions of Western and Eastern Siberia, Central Altai, Russian Far East and Mongolia
Collecting pine nuts with high environmental safety
Fast and convenient delivery to any customer in the world
Flexible packaging (from 100g to 10kg) with or without labeling
Available pine nuts samples for quality testing
High product quality guaranty

High quality control at all stages

from production to end customer delivery:

Organoleptic control
Physicochemical control
Microbiological analysis
Toxic and radionuclides control
Pesticides analysis

Pine Nuts Kernels

(vacuum)with or without labels (from 100g to 10kg )


Chemin du Courtil 10, 1241, Puplinge, Switzerland